I stumbled across this site because I think of Dodie Duggan and Evelyn Smith every time, I see pictures of the aurora borealis. I can't remember which one of them won the 6th grade prize for the name Rory Borealis. so decided to just google Dodie's name.
Lived in Cambridge, Somerville, Bronx, Baltimore, San Francisco, Berkley, Salt Lake City, and back East since we came to Concord in Aug 2008 for my husband to be Fire Chief. (He has now retired from that, and his retirement work is in the area of Substance Misuse support programming and oversight.)
Been outreach worker, community organizer, a multiplicity of jobs for income only, Mental Health Community educator and Continuing Education organizer and program director, Graphic Designer, and mostly the last few decades a Chaplain at Westminster College of Salt Lake City, and the University of Utah along with parish work.
I now serve as a Priest Associate at St. Paul's Church in Concord, NH in my retirement and perform occasional weddings for my nieces and nephews in MA.
I started working in fused glass when we were still in Salt Lake City and since moving here have worked with Verne Orlosk, a fine art fused glass artist in Manchester. She is fantastic and award winning, I just do my own thing.