Missing Classmates

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1.)  If you know where any of these Missing Classmates is,  please share our web address with them:     http://www.arlingtonma1964.org/    AND encourage them to JOIN at the site.

2.)  If you know the email address for any of these Missing Classmates below,  you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

3.)  If you do not know your Missing Classmate's email address but have other contact information for them and want us to contact them, please forward whatever contact information you may have to:   Janet Elias Saulsberry  <jesauls@yahoo.com> 

James J. Agostino
Grace C. Agrillo (Moore)
Arlene Albert (Keach)
Harry D. Astourian
Melanie A. Austin (Scanlon)
Bonnie Bell (Campbell)
David F. Bergkuist
Diane B. Berglund (Swenson)
Emma C. Berry (Bonica)
Cynthia L. Bettencourt
Richard C. Biondo
Roger P. Bowlby
Jeanne B. Bradley (Rugg)
Robert A. Brescia
Paul D. Brittan
Martha N. Brooks
Marlene Brown (Sackos)
Carol A. Buckley (Paquette)
Richard J. Bulens
Charles H. Bunting
James E. Burke
Michael J. Burke
James E. Byrne
Dennis R. Cabral
Paul R. Camacho
Larry T. Cappello
Roberta L. Carey
Donna E. Caroselli (Taccini)
Kevin G. Carroll
Dennis F. Carvalho
Pamela F. Cashman
Angela M. Castelluci (McCarron)
Carl W. Chandler
Helen Cicco
J. Anne Coates
Diane C. Coffey (Fischer)
Jeanne L. Comeau
Elaine C. Constantinides (Alexis)
Nancy A. Constantino (Manderino)
Donna L. Cook (Ross)
Joseph W. (Joe) Cook
Arlene M. Cooney
Richard J. Corsetti
Mary D. Costanza (Reis)
Philip M. Coyne
Patrick J. Cronin
Clifton R. Crowley
Martha P. Dalton (Keating)
William J. D'Antuono
Frances C. Day (Pepper)
Maryanna Delano (Murray)
Elizabeth D'Errico (Bagni)
Vivian M. Destremps (Pope)
Sheila L. Dobie
Roberta A. Doherty
Katherine Donabed (Schill)
Lawrence W. (Larry) Donaldson
Francis X. (Frank) Donnellan
Kevin J. Donovan
Michael G. Donovan
Irene D. Downs (Jahnle)
Mary A. Doyle (O'Sullivan)
Ronald C. Dudley
Frederick S. (Fred) Durham
Jane C. Edgett
Frances M. Egan
Evelyn K. Enos
Catherine Eustace (Murphy)
Ralph J. Fiscale
Dorothy Fischer (Haprinance)
Richard H. Fisher
Sheila L. Fitzgerald (Miller)
Marilyn L. Flint
Suzanne M. Foley
Joanne Foritano (Suttile)
Pamela F. Foster (Hughes)
Stephen D. Garrity
Charlene Gould (Lo Presti)
William J. Green
William C. Guanci
Marilee A. Hall
Geraldine B. Hames (Pankratz)
Dale P. Haroutunian
Gail F. Hayward (Chartier)
Robert P. Herlihy
Joan Elizabeth Hingley (Janis)
Philip B. Hoobing
Valerie M. Iovanni (Martins)
Valerie E. Johns (Millar)
Eleanor P. Johnson (Mazza)
Janet L. Johnson (Sullivan)
Thomas E. Joyce
Kathleen K. Kedian (Stone)
Joyce T. Kelchner (Carbone)
Josephine A. Kenney
Stephen M. Killourhy
Russell J. Kilpatrick
Robert W. Kilty
Herbert R. Knight
Ann H. Kostopoulos
Rosemary R. Krikorian (Armoudian)
Priscilla M. Kurtz (White)
Joseph E. La Chance
Michael J. Lambiase
Willard W. Lane
Kenneth J. Lang
Ann L. Leahy
Thomas M. Leverone
Joseph J. Lickorai
Pauline B. Lipton
William J. MacDonald
Jean M. MacGillivray (Brouchard)
William L. MacGillivray
Carmen W. Maggiacomo
Camille R. Magnifico
Charles D. Mahoney
Michael A. Mahoney
Patricia A. Mahoney
Janet R. Major
Peter Manderino
Andrew C. Manfredi
James A. Marchant
Anne C. Martis
Rosemary Massucco (Green)
Robert D. Mc Gurl
Robert L. McAuley
Pamela M. McCarroll (Hunsberger)
Barbara F. McCord
Bruce G. McKenzie
Diane McLaughlin (Charlton)
Margaret V. McLean (Nees)
Harry Meadows
Patricia G. Medeiros (McDermott)
Paul Ma Mercurio
Paula J. Miccichi (Chambers)
Irene M. Miller
Crystal Moggelos (Iakovou)
Therese M. Moisan (Bernhard)
Charles J. Molino
David F. Mooney
Claire R. Morrison
Olga Moskovis (Georgeopoulos)
Dennis M. Murphy
Grace Murphy (Costa)
Pamela R. Murray (McAneny)
Cheryl Nazzaro (Boyce)
John R. Nigro
Judy Nolan (Polloway)
David M. O'Brien
James M. O'Brien
Paul V. O'Leary
Eleanor F. Oliverio
Nancy L. Palladino (Palmieri)
Michael E. Pascucci
Rosemarie D. Pavo
Diane A. Pedro (Ferneza)
Richard J. Pehrson
Ann C. Pellegrino (Bullock)
Robert William Percival
Thomas D. Pfeiffer
William J. Picariello
Janice Pierce (Burke)
Stephen L. Pietchel
Charles W. (Charlie) Poingdester
Clyde E. Prince
Marie Proulx (Cullen)
Linda Queeney (Abbott)
Michele P. Racheotas
Elaine Rakes
Lisa Rapport
David L. Reid
Paul H. Revell
David C. Riese
Carl P. Ripaldi
Russell C. Robbat
Elaine P. Rogers
Glenn E. Rogers
Cynthia Rugg
Kathryn C. Russell (Milne)
Louis P. Russo
Janice Sacca (Kalmas)
Angela A. Sacco (Mara)
Mirta E. Sanchez
Leah R. Sandberger (Poland)
Jean Sarantakas (Comora)
Albert F. Sarnessian
Edward Jay Sarton
Janet A. Sewall
Martha A. Shapiro (Reed)
Thom Shaughnessy
Eileen B. Shea
James B. (Jim) Sickles
Ruth H. Sliney (Sawyer)
Joseph A. Smith
Jeanne L. Stephenson (Stephenson D'Amore)
James M. Sullivan
Kathleen L. Sullivan
Thomas Brian Sullivan
Susan Sumner (Riese)
Glenn T. Suprenard
Paul F. Taccini
Thomas J. Teehan
Patricia A. Terlizzi
Maryjane Thomas (Howell)
Jean M. Thompson
Terry A. Thompson
Nancy G. Tucker
Gerald F. Urquhart
Richard K. Vieira
Susan F. Walsh
Virginia M. Walsh
Kenneth R. Walters
Dean F. Walton
Lionel B. Warner
David H. Wellons
Paula L. Widder (Croft)
Linda B. Wilson
Elizabeth A. Yates (Gordon)
Linda E. Zilonis
David M. Ziomek

Guest Members

Bernadette Adams
Neville Barry (Jane McCall's Daughter)
Bethany Connolly (Paige Simpson's Dau…)