Ronald S. (Ron) Carter
Residing In: | Los Angeles, CA USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Dating since 2012. |
Homepage: | |
Occupation: (whether or not retired) | Freelance DP/camera Operator and Engineer in Television Production |
Ronald S. (Ron)'s Latest Interactions
Posted on: Dec 14, 2024 at 4:33 AM
So very sad to hear of Bill's passing.
Although we didn't keep in touch after A H S much, he will be remembered fondly for a great guy In High School and loved by many I am sure.
R I P Bill.
Peter and I were great friends growing up and lived near on Florence ave and he on Cliff street.
Wow Steve,,,, cool, my older brother was also in the FBI.
HI Judy, Hope you are doing well. We were neighbors on Appleton Street growing up. :)
HI Ray, Hope you are doing great ! I remember you fondly and loved your whole family.
So sorry to hear this,
He was a big influence on me to play guitar and join the Folk Music scene,
I tried staying in touch when he was driving a truck, but we lost the connection.
Jonathan was one of my friends and neighbors growing up.
Sorry I didn't stay in touch with my classmates after graduation.
R I P Jonathan,
Well said, well said. I liked him in High School and glad he enjoyed a good and full life. R I P
Posted on: Dec 14, 2020 at 4:33 AM
OMG, this is truly sad news. Joan was a kind, caring person who helped others, R I P Angel,
Please everyone, take car of yourselves, try to eat heathy and get exercise. Right now our best defense is our own immune system and avoiding others. Let's hopemitigating drugs are available soon and eventually vacines, before we die from a collapsted economy.
Ron Carter
Ronald S. (Ron)'s Photo Gallery