Can't believe Booba never received any comments, from anyone. Including me. We were great friends . Biked together, scuba and worked together for Walter G. We changed the color of our motorcycles every week, had access to paint . Went to N Y a couple times . Beer was 18. His sister lived in Hicksville. He drove the tow truck and we played in our own football program . Fate seperated us, we had fun all the time . There are alot of things to be remembered. To those who do, you do !
I didn't know Janice or Robert, though I certainly send their loved-ones condolences, because you are correct, Anne, about losing classmates. I'm still getting over Buddy (Gordon) Clarke not being with us any longer. He was in my class all the way from second grade in Parmenter. Fondly do I remember the ball games the spring we sixth graders finally got to take over the field adjacent to Irving and Academy Streets. Buddy, who was the best athlete I ever played with, usually pitched. At the plate he regularly launched one that landed in the Publakova's front yard across Irving. Buddy was, in fact, in that small group of great athletes who appreciate they've been granted a gift and as such never boast about their feats. But that was Buddy all over.
John R. Murray
Can't believe Booba never received any comments, from anyone. Including me. We were great friends . Biked together, scuba and worked together for Walter G. We changed the color of our motorcycles every week, had access to paint . Went to N Y a couple times . Beer was 18. His sister lived in Hicksville. He drove the tow truck and we played in our own football program . Fate seperated us, we had fun all the time . There are alot of things to be remembered. To those who do, you do !
Louise M. Denisi (Crosby)
Nice job Johnny, Bobby was a great guy, had a lot of fun with him. Gone way to soon. Louise
Jane M. McCall (Barry)
Thaks for those reminiscences. They remind us all to keep in touch with our old friends while we can.
Anne P. Craven (Kipp)
Yes, thank you for this and all the "In Memory" updates. It is sad to see our classmates leaving us.--Anne Craven Kipp
Ron Pierce
I didn't know Janice or Robert, though I certainly send their loved-ones condolences, because you are correct, Anne, about losing classmates. I'm still getting over Buddy (Gordon) Clarke not being with us any longer. He was in my class all the way from second grade in Parmenter. Fondly do I remember the ball games the spring we sixth graders finally got to take over the field adjacent to Irving and Academy Streets. Buddy, who was the best athlete I ever played with, usually pitched. At the plate he regularly launched one that landed in the Publakova's front yard across Irving. Buddy was, in fact, in that small group of great athletes who appreciate they've been granted a gift and as such never boast about their feats. But that was Buddy all over.