A dear and special friend of mine and a graduate of AHS class of 1964, Karen S. Derian recently passed away. I am attaching her obituary.
Thank you
Most Sincerely,
Lorraine P. Guest (Lorraine M Evans)
https://www.giragosianfuneralhome.com/obituary/karen-derianA dear and special friend of mine and a graduate of AHS class of 1964, Karen S. Derian rec
Doris A. Duggan
So sad to lose another classmate so young. Karen and I were both in the debating club and on The Chronicle. Remember her as a sweet, quiet girl. But read her obituary and she was one tough woman.
Jane M. McCall (Barry)
Lorraine, Thank you for sharing Karen Derian's obituary, and condolences on the loss of your friend. Karen certainly was a courageous, adventurous, vital and kind soul. I admire all her travels and especially admire her for having the courage to live in many different countries, such a broadening and brave thing to do. That is something I always wanted to do, but didn't...
Personally, I am stunned and disappointed that I didn't know she has been my neighbor here in Gloucester where I, too, am fulfilling a life-long ambition to live by the sea. She is someone I wish I had known. Again, I am reminded of our many talented, interesting, accomplished classmates.